AvaCon, Inc. Code of Ethics

The Board of Directors of AvaCon, Inc. (“AvaCon”) is committed to conducting its business in accordance with ethical and professional standards, and therefore has adopted the principles set forth below as organizational policy.

Each member of the Board of Directors and employees and volunteers shall:

1.  Act with honesty and integrity.

2.  Exercise loyalty to AvaCon, acting in the best interests of the organization and taking no action that would undermine or impede the activities of AvaCon.

3.  Adhere to high standards of professional conduct, in particular regarding meeting attendance, preparedness, objectivity, mutual respect, courtesy, and candor.

4.  Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

5.  Maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary and competitively sensitive or valuable information of AvaCon.

6.  Respect the principles of free competition as embodied in the antitrust laws.

7.  Support the protection of the assets of AvaCon including intellectual property.

8.  Encourage AvaCon staff to alert the Board of Directors to potential misconduct or violations of law without fear of retribution.

Last revised 2/11 ~ CC

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