Free Virtual Land for Social Good Organizations

As part of AvaCon’s mission to build community and support for those using and working in the metaverse, we offer free virtual space to other nonprofit and social good focused organizations. The Social Good Community on the AvaCon Grid will be a way for organizations to explore the OpenSimulator platform, share resources, and build capacity as we explore how virtual worlds and the metaverse can help us achieve our organizational mission and goals.


The Social Good Community region on the AvaCon Grid features 15,360 sqaure meters of virtual land for each selected organization, with a limit of 2,000 primitive objects that can be used for building and content creation. There will also be shared public event and meeting areas, along with helpful assets, resources, and tutorials to get you started using OpenSimulator. The Community region is Hypergrid enabled, which means once you get your organization space and avatars setup, you can use it as a home base and Hypergrid jump to other OpenSimulator grids, as well as invite other Hypergrid connected avatars to visit your space.

In return, our hope is that our Community members will get involved by sharing their experiences, submit best practices, and help fellow Community members learn about and explore the metaverse. There will be opportunities to volunteer, attend round tables, and to participate in or help host community events. You will also give us permission to publicize your participation in the Social Good Community program, and reach out to update you on Community information and other related AvaCon programs and events.


The Social Good Community spaces on the AvaCon Grid will be available to eligible organizations that meet one of the following criteria:

  • The organization is a registered non-profit corporation.
  • The organization has a charity or foundation status recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service.
  • The organization’s mission is focused on a “social good” cause or public charity purpose. This might include public health, education, NGOs, or other charitable works.

We may request documentation or other proof of your organization’s status to qualify for the program.


To apply for the program, complete the application below. Once we receive your application, expect up to two weeks for your application to be reviewed. Once accepted, we will contact you with more information and introduce you to your new Community space!

We will also let you know if for some reason we can’t accept your application, or do not currently have available space.


The agreement for virtual land in the Social Good Community will be for a one year period, with the potential to renew your participation in the program.


Please complete the application below if you are interested in applying for virtual space in the Social Good Community on the AvaCon Grid.  If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at

Your Contact Information

We tend to use many Google Applications, so gmail addresses are preferred.
Please provide a headshot of you or your avatar. This should be a close up image of your face or your avatar's face and will be used in publicity materials, so color images are preferred.
Please provide a brief biography describing your professional accomplishments or interests. This should be no more than 3 to 4 sentences.

Your Organization's Information

Please include country and area code if applicable. Example: +1 (555) 123-4567
Please enter the URL of your organization's website. Example:
Please provide a link to your organization's logo.
What is your organization's mission and goals? If your organization has an official mission statement, enter that here.

Application Questions

Do you have previous experience working in virtual environments? If so, describe your experience and what types of platforms you have worked in previously.
How are you hoping to use your virtual land on the AvaCon Grid to further the goals of your organization?
Do you have relevant skills that you would share, volunteer, or teach others?
What level of experience do you have with the OpenSimulator platform?