OpenSimulator Community Conference
Conference Website: Â http://conference.opensimulator.org
Join us for the fifth annual, #OSCC17, December 9-10, 2017!
The OpenSimulator Community Conference (OSCC) is an annual virtual conference that focuses on the community around the OpenSimulator software.  The conference was launched in 2013 and features two days of presentations, workshops, keynote sessions, resources, and social events across diverse sectors of the OpenSimulator user base, including:
- Business & Enterprise
- Content & Community
- Developers & Open Source
- Research & Education
This year’s conference features over 50 speakers speaking on 30 presentations and panels, along with hands-on workshops, virtual tours, and OpenSimulator community-wide events.
Organized as a joint production by Core Developers of the OpenSimulator software and AvaCon, Inc., the conference is hosted on an OpenSimulator grid specifically designed for the conference and held virtually in the grid conference venue.
OpenSimulator Community Conference 2017 Schedule
View the OpenSimulator Community Conference 2017 schedule & directory.
What is OpenSimulator?
OpenSimulator is an open source multi-platform, multi-user 3D application server that can be used to create a virtual environment (or world) which can be accessed through a variety of clients, on multiple protocols. It also has an optional facility (the Hypergrid) to allow users to visit other OpenSimulator installations across the web from an account on a ‘home’ OpenSimulator installation.
OpenSimulator allows virtual world developers to customize their worlds using the technologies they feel work best – the framework is designed to be easily extensible. OpenSimulator is written in C#, running both on Windows over the .NET Framework and on Unix-like machines over the Mono framework. The source code is released under a BSD License, a commercially friendly license to embed OpenSimulator in products.
Out of the box, OpenSimulator can be used to simulate virtual environments similar to Second Life™, however, the project pursues innovative feature development with an aspiration of becoming the bare bones, but extensible, server of the 3D Web.