Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
September 17, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present: Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer, Joyce Bettencourt
Absent: None
Quorum Present: Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Donna Meyer
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- None
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- Discussed follow-up survey for convention attendees.
- Reported on website traffic and sources
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- Reported on payment status to several service providers
- Reported on receipts and outstanding reimbursements
- Discussed follow-up survey for sponsors
Human Resources report by Donna Meyer
- Reported on attendance stats, no registration data was taken for at-door registrants
Operations report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Will request final data from Audrey for hotel info
Meeting adjourned at 6:30PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
August 14, 2010
3PM EST ~ PF Changs, Boston MA
Board Members
Present: Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer, Joyce Bettencourt
Absent: None
Quorum Present: Yes
Meeting called to order at 3PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- Voting for officers for the 2010-11 term proceeded
- Officer appointments continued as is by unanimous vote.
SLCC 2010
- Discussed last minute details about convention
- Reviewed schedules and timelines of activities
Meeting adjourned at 3:30PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
July 30, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present: Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer, Joyce Bettencourt
Absent: None
Quorum Present: Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Donna Meyer
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- Reviewed accounting practices and process for submitting receipts for reimbursements.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- Reviewed key communications in 2 weeks leading to convention.
- Requested feedback and contributions to final drafts of printed program.
- MOTION to purchase easels for display at convention by Fleep, Peter seconds. Â Aye vote unanimous, motion passed.
- Discussed AvaCon Ball.
- Discussed UStream accounts and process
- Discussed logistics of schedules for board members prior to convention
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- MOTION to make final payment to hotel by Peter, Fleep second. Â Aye vote unanimous, motion passed.
- Discussed convention insurance
- Discussed signage needs and order
- MOTION to purchase final choices for tshirt and bags by Peter, Fleep second. Â Aye vote unanimous, motion passed.
Human Resources report by Donna Meyer
- Reported on status of volunteers.
- Reported on badge design progress.
SLCC 2010 Operations report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Reported on venue logistics.
- Reported on A/V logistics.
- MOTION to select BBQ option for day 1 and Chicken/Veg option for day two by Joyce, Fleep seconds. Â Aye vote unanimous, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
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Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
July 15, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present: Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present: Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- Tabled until future meeting to focus on SLCC.
SLCC 2010 Special Meeting
- Keynote Speakers discussed
- MOTION to pay John Lester $500 speaker honorarium by Fleep, Peter second. Â Aye vote unanimous, motion passed.
- MOTION to offer Dusan Writer free pass as honorarium by Fleep, Peter second. Â Aye vote unanimous, motion passed.
- Life 2.0 film discussed
- Day Passes discussed.
- MOTION to pay hotel the next $10,000 by Peter, Donna seconds. Â Aye vote unanimous, motion passed.
- Check received from lead sponsor, Joyce to deposit
- Unregistered guests who have not paid for convention will be contacted and their discount removed.
- MOTD text discussed for Second Life.
Meeting adjourned at 6:00PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
July 09, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present: Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present: Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- Expense Reimbursment Claim previously approved posted to website.
- Reviewed IRS regulations on raffled and games of chance.
SLCC 2010 Operations report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Reported on venue details.
- Reported on current room block status.
- We have made our room block committment – yay!
- Still has not yet gotten quote for printed program.
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- Reported on status of ticket sales.
- Reported on status of sponsorships.
- Discussed Google Ad Words and Ad Sense.
- Reported on TShirt & Schwag status
- Discussed possible problem with PayPal payments.
Human Resources report by Donna Meyer
- Reported on status of volunteers.
- Reported on badge design progress.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- SLCC 2010 website traffic report.
- Reviewed upcoming message drafts.
- Discussed MOTD on Second Life.
- Discussed procedure for dealing with complaints and blog comments.
- Will send PDF Writer software to all.
SLCC 2010 Track Updates
- Music & Live Performance – Joyce
- Business & Enterprise – Joyce
- Education & Research – Chris
- Government & NonProfit – Peter
- Health & Support – Joyce
- Art, Machinima, & Theatre – Donna
- Fashion & Design – Peter
- Communities & Social – Donna
- Technical & Open Source – Chris
- InWorld SLCC – Chris
Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
July 2, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present: Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer, Joyce Bettencourt (late)
Absent: None
Quorum Present: Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Donna Meyer
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- AvaCon website live.
- Conflict of Interest Policy draft reviewed.
- MOTION to pass Conflict of Interest policy by Fleep, Peter second. Â Aye vote unanimous. Â Motion Passed.
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- Reported on status of ticket sales.
- Reported on public budget to be posted to website.
- Reported on status of sponsorships.
- Reported on printed items spreadsheet.
Human Resources report by Donna Meyer
- Reported on status of volunteers.
- Reported on badge design progress.
- In world kiosk complete.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- SLCC 2010 website traffic report.
- Reviewed upcoming message drafts.
- Invited SLCC booth to Chilbo Summer Faire.
SLCC 2010 Operations report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Reported on meeting with Audrey and hotel staff.
- Discussed A/V costs, wifi and internet access.
- Has not yet gotten quote for printed program.
SLCC 2010 Track Updates
- Music & Live Performance – Joyce
- Business & Enterprise – Joyce
- Education & Research – Chris
- Government & NonProfit – Peter
- Health & Support – Joyce
- Art, Machinima, & Theatre – Donna
- Fashion & Design – Peter
- Communities & Social – Donna
- Technical & Open Source – Chris
- InWorld SLCC – Chris
Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
June 25, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present: Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present: Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- AvaCon website complete.
- IRS 501(c)(3) application requires Conflict of Interest Policy, Reimbursement form. Â Need to draft policies.
SLCC 2010 Operations report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Hotel very happy with registrations.
- Discussed policy to deal with those who reserve rooms but are not registered for convention. Â Only those registered for convention can receive discounted rate.
- Has not yet gotten quote for printed program.
- Is checking on hotel ability to screen Life 2.0 movie.
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- Reported on status of ticket sales.
- Reported on status of sponsorships.
- Discussed travel budget for board members.
- Checks received from bank.
- Reported on TShirt quote, will ship last year’s shirts to Joyce.
Human Resources report by Donna Meyer
- Reported on status of volunteers.
- Reported on badge design progress.
- Began in world kiosk building.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- SLCC 2010 website traffic report.
- Reviewed upcoming message drafts.
- Adding media page to website to link stories about SLCC.
SLCC 2010 Track Updates
- Music & Live Performance – Joyce
- Business & Enterprise – Joyce
- Education & Research – Chris
- Government & NonProfit – Peter
- Health & Support – Joyce
- Art, Machinima, & Theatre – Donna
- Fashion & Design – Peter
- Communities & Social – Donna
- Technical & Open Source – Chris
- InWorld SLCC – Chris
Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
June 11, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present: Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present: Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- IRS 501(c)(3) application tabled until next meeting.
SLCC 2010 Operations report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Problems with hotel website reservations was resolved.
- Joyce to schedule a meeting with Audrey, the liaison for the hotel and A/V team, Donna may attend as well.
- Reported on current room block status.
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- Reported on status of ticket sales.
- Reported on status of sponsorships.
- Discussed Google Ad Words and Ad Sense.
- Reported on TShirt quote.
Human Resources report by Donna Meyer
- Reported on status of volunteers.
- Reported on badge design progress.
- Discussed first Track leader staff meeting.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- Avacon.org website is nearly ready for unveiling. Just need to update logo art.
- SLCC 2010 website traffic report.
- Reviewed upcoming message drafts.
SLCC 2010 Track Updates
- Music & Live Performance – Joyce
- Business & Enterprise – Joyce
- Education & Research – Chris
- Government & NonProfit – Peter
- Health & Support – Joyce
- Art, Machinima, & Theatre – Donna
- Fashion & Design – Peter
- Communities & Social – Donna
- Technical & Open Source – Chris
- InWorld SLCC – Chris
Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
June 4, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present:Â Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present:Â Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Review minutes of previous meeting by Chris Collins.
- MOTION to adopt meeting minutes seconded and passed.
Suggestion to adopt new meeting rules by Peter Lokke.
- MOTION to adopt new rules seconded and passed.
AvaCon, Inc. Business by Chris Collins.
- Requested additional docs for IRS 501(c)(3) application.
- Reviewed and discussed draft org chart. MOTION to adopt org chart seconded and passed.
SLCC 2010 Operations report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Reported on status of venue, room reservation process, reports for room pick-ups.
- Joyce to schedule a meeting with venue liaison and A/V team, Donna may attend as well.
- Will request estimate for printing costs for printed program and see about discounts if paired with other printing needs for convention.
- Discussed special sponsorship opportunities.
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- Reported on status of ticket sales. Strong showing, sold out Early Bird ticket tier in less than a week.
- Reported on status of sponsorships. Sponsorships higher than expected this early, well on track for targeted goals.
- Contract to retain AVENUE as media partner and sponsorship sales assistance executed. Need to provide them with ad and emails.
- Reviewed t-shirts, totebag, and name badge/lanyard options. Peter will request samples of our initial selections for further review.
Human Resources report by Donna Meyer
- Reported on status of volunteers. Intake so far is good, several returning volunteers.
- Reported on badge design progress. Waiting final dimensions of badge holders to continue.
- Discussed badge requirements and workflow process for attendee images.
- Discussed open positions needed to be filled by volunteers. Donna to draft known needs, all to send additional staff positions needed.
- Discussed weekly staff meetings. MOTION to meet on Mondays at 4PM SLT / 7PM EST seconded and passed.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- Avacon.org website structure completed, page content completed, post content in progress. All to provide feedback upon review.
- SLCC 2010 website performing well, traffic/resource stats show good traffic, relatively low bounce rate. Will continue to monitor performance to adjust server resources as necessary if traffic spikes.
- Press releases and announcements sent through various channels on 6/1. Traffic spikes on website reflect the messages effect.
- Requested that all record any communications sent through various channels on the appropriate document.
- Provided staff needs to Donna for processing.
SLCC 2010 Track Updates
- Music & Live Performance – Joyce
- Business & Enterprise – Joyce
- Education & Research – Chris
- Government & NonProfit – Peter
- Health & Support – Joyce
- Art, Machinima, & Theatre – Donna
- Fashion & Design – Peter
- Communities & Social – Donna
- Technical & Open Source – Chris
- InWorld SLCC – Chris
Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
May 28, 2010
5PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present:Â Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present:Â Yes
Meeting called to order at 5PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Incorporation report by Chris Collins
- Discussed draft functional org chart and areas of responsibility, all to contribute to draft document.
- Requested additional paperwork for IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status application.
SLCC 2010 Operations report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Licensing agreement secured, fully executed copy on file.
- Venue contract signed and sent, waiting for our copies and more info from venue.
- A/V quote received, discussed options.
- Will request estimate for printing costs for printed program.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- Avacon.org progress tabled until SLCC 2010 website is in good shape.
- SLCC 2010 almost ready to go live.
- Social media site accounts established where needed and set up.
- Proposed Communication Channels strategy document. MOTION to adopt seconded and passed.
- Code of Conduct and other convention policies reviewed. MOTION to adopt policies seconded and passed.
- Communication to be sent to previous years’ track leaders proposed. MOTION to send message seconded and passed.
- Press release drafts in progress.
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- All paperwork received and filed.
- All necessary accounts for ticket and sponsorship sales set up and working.
- Proposed contract to retain AVENUE as media partner and sponsorship sales assistance. MOTION to execute contract seconded and passed.
- Discussed workflow for processing sponsorships and artwork.
Human Resources report by Donna Meyer
- Reviewed workflow for processing/assigning volunteer staff.
- Donna to draft document with positions needed and apx. staff required.
- All to send additional staff positions needed.
- Discussed weekly staff meetings, need to determine a time that works best for all.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
May 21, 2010
4PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present:Â Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present:Â Yes
Meeting called to order at 4PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Incorporation report by Chris Collins
- All certified incorporation documents received.
- Review of materials needed for IRS exempt 501(c)(3) status.
- Review of submitted corporate logos, tweaks suggested.
Second Life Community Convention 2010 report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Update on licensing requirements to hold convention.
- Venues discussed, MOTION to send RFP through Boston Chamber of Commerce seconded and passed.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- Avacon.org website up, email accounts being established.
- Staging site created, discussed contents. MOTION to adopt design on site for convention seconded and passed.
- Review of submitted SLCC 2010 logo. MOTION to adopt logo with minor revisions seconded and passed.
- Requested feedback on forms for website.
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- Discussed remaining accounts held by The Future United. MOTION to create new accounts seconded and passed.
- Proposed sponsorship levels and presented document for review.
- Discussed partnership with AVENUE to assist with sponsorships.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
May 7, 2010
4PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present:Â Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present:Â Yes
Meeting called to order at 4PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Incorporation report by Chris Collins
- All documents filed, awaiting certified copies of documents which have been ordered.
- Application for IRS exempt 501(c)(3) status begun. Need additional docs.
- Review of submitted corporate logos, tweaks suggested.
Second Life Community Convention 2010 report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Update on licensing requirements to hold convention. Chris to redline agreement and send for review.
- Venues discussed, MOTION to send RFP through Boston Chamber of Commerce seconded and passed.
IT & Communication report by Chris Collins
- Avacon.org website hosting has been set-up, site design in progress.
- SLCC 2010 staging site hosting has been set-up, site design in progress.
- Discussed SLCC 2010 logo.
- Discussed using forms on SLCC 2010 website for info intake.
Budget & Financials report by Peter Lokke
- Collecting documents needed for bank account. Chris to draft statement of nonprofit status.
- Discussed sponsorship levels for SLCC 2010.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
April 23, 2010
4PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present:Â Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Donna Meyer
Absent: Peter Lokke
Quorum Present:Â Yes
Meeting called to order at 4PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Incorporation report by Chris Collins
- Signatures received for Articles of Incorporation. MOTION to file document seconded and passed.
- Discussed IRS tax exemption requirements. MOTION to table the discussion until next meeting seconded and passed.
- Establishing a corporate bank account discussed. MOTION to table further discussion until next meeting seconded and passed.
- Discussed corporate logo and seal. MOTION to table the discussion until next meeting seconded and passed.
Second Life Community Convention 2010 report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Discussed licensing requirements to hold convention, all to contribute to draft document.
- Revisions needed to suggested SLCC 2010 logo, Joyce to clean up suggested copy.
- Venues discussed, Joyce reported on several options. Chris to contact/approach local Marriott.
- Tracks and expectations of Track Leaders discussed. All to contribute to draft document of tracks and expectations.
IT & Communications report by Chris Collins
- AvaCon telephone number established and available for use.
- Staging site for SLCC 2010 created, work in progress.
- Avacon.org website hosting set up, work in progress.
- Joyce demonstrated website widgets used in another project as suggestions for SLCC 2010 website
Meeting adjourned at 6:45PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
AvaCon, Inc.
April 16, 2010
4PM EST ~ Online Meeting
Board Members
Present:Â Joyce Bettencourt, Chris Collins, Peter Lokke, Donna Meyer
Absent: None
Quorum Present:Â Yes
Meeting called to order at 4PM by Joyce Bettencourt
Incorporation report by Chris Collins
- Presented the Articles of Incorporation for approval. MOTION to approve the document seconded and passed.
- Presented the Bylaws document for approval. MOTION to approve the document seconded and passed.
- Discussed primary place of business. MOTION to approve suggested location seconded and passed.
- Discussed IRS tax exemption requirements, Clerk and Treasurer to follow up.
- Discussed corporate logo and seal, all to contribute suggestions.
Second Life Community Convention 2010 report by Joyce Bettencourt
- Discussed licensing requirements to hold convention.
- Suggestions made about SLCC 2010 logo, all to contribute suggestions.
- Venues discussed, MOTION to approach local colleges and universities seconded and passed.
- Website design discussed, MOTION to create a staging site for convention seconded and passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM
Minutes submitted by Clerk, Chris Collins.
Return to Meetings page.