Company Name
The legal name of the corporation is AvaCon, Inc. and should be used in all legal documents, banking instruments, or contracts. For general usage, the correct styling is AvaCon.
Note that the name should be intercapped with a capital A and a capital C, never Avacon or avacon.
AvaCon Brand Logo
The AvaCon logo incorporates two graphic elements, the “many worlds” symbol and the wordmark AvaCon, with the first half of the word in AvaCon red, and the second half in AvaCon black. The company logo should appear prominently in all materials published either in print or electronic format. Note that the word AvaCon is a graphic element, inseparable from the symbol. The word should not be recreated with any other font, should not be stretched, resized, or warped in any way, and cannot appear in a different position with respect to the “many worlds” symbol for any reason.

The AvaCon logo includes the symbol and the word “AvaCon” locked together as shown.
Logo Structure
The following diagram is the complete structure for the AvaCon brand logo and is used for all appropriate forms of media.

1. “Many Worlds” visual entity is part of the primary logo, but is also only currently used for social media accounts. The primary logo when used, should always have this identifier alongside.
2. The wordmark along with the “Many Worlds” visual piece make up the primary logo
3. The AvaCon wordmark makes up half of the logo for the brand.
Acceptable Logo Variations
Three logo variations are acceptable for the AvaCon logo. Horizontal, Stacked and Short. The Horizontal logo is the preferred version for most media types and should be used when able, the second choice is the stacked version and should be used when the horizontal design would be cumbersome. Lastly the short version is for social media uses, such as Twitter, Facebook, ect…

AvaCon “Many Worlds” Logo
From time to time, you may also need to use just the “many worlds” symbol, such as for an icon or social media image. The icon alone may be used independently from the logo when necessary, but again, should not be stretched, resized, or warped in any way.

The “Many Worlds” symbol in the AvaCon logo represents the multitude of worlds and places in the metaverse, across many platforms, and the diversity of people, ideas, and communities in both physical and virtual reality.
Minimum Size

The above graphic represents the minimum allowed sizes for the AvaCon logo for both digital and print. A file containing the adjusted minimum sizes for this logo and the other variants will be uploaded in the near future for quick processing.
Color Palette
AvaCon Red:
R: 148 G: 24 B: 52
H: 346 S: 84 B: 58
AvaCon Black:
R: 1 G: 1 B: 1
H: 0 S: 0 B: 1
AvaCon Dark Grey:
R: 81 G: 83 B: 82
H: 150 S: 2 B: 33
AvaCon Light Grey:
R: 165 G: 165 B: 165
H: 0 S: 0 B: 65
PANTONE Cool Gray 5 C
Color Variations
Below are the acceptable color variations for the AvaCon logos.

Safe Space
All AvaCon logos need a minimum clearance area where objects, text and other artifacts are not interfering with the available space around the logo. The below image is an example of the amount of space requested to be around each logo variant.

File Usage

This table presents the file types for the AvaCon brand logos and how they should be used.
Media Usage
Unacceptable Usage Examples
Below are several examples of unacceptable usages of the AvaCon logo, please contact us for any questions if you may be in violation of the logo usages.

Stock image used in the above example is by Natureworks and can be seen at the following link.
Email Signature
All emails sent from your address should be appended with the following standard signature information:
Your Full RL Name (Avatar: Your Avatar Name)
Your Position Title, AvaCon, Inc.
275 Winthrop Street
PO Box 618
Rehoboth, MA 02769-1819
(774) 654-0010
AvaCon, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and 3D immersive and virtual spaces. This email and any files transmitted with it may be confidential, privileged, or otherwise protected by legal rules and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately. AvaCon is an Equal Opportunity Employer.